New mobilities

Charging infrastructures for heavy-duty vehicles: a new milestone for the market?

As battery technology appears to gain the upper hand over hydrogen for heavy-duty vehicles—at least in urban and regional transport segments—Europe is entering a race to deploy charging infrastructure. While depot charging represents an initial focus, the market for public charging stations is also drawing significant attention. In 2024, major initiatives highlighted this momentum: Germany launched a significant tender for equipping its highways, and the first electric corridor between Paris and Lyon was established.

In 2025, the electric heavy-duty vehicle market is expected to gain real traction, but numerous questions and challenges remain:

  • Development pace and segmentation, particularly regarding competing decarbonsation alternatives: What pace of electrification development can be anticipated, and which market segments will be most impacted? How can electrification position itself against short-term competing solutions, such as HVO fuels, especially in terms of cost, performance, and ease of adoption?
  • Gradual equipment of depots: What specific solutions can be developed to address the needs and investment constraints of SMEs, which represent a significant portion of the economic fabric?
  • Infrastructure optimization and utilization rates: What tools and strategies can be deployed to maximize the utilization rates of initial charging stations while meeting user needs? What innovative business models—such as securing volumes from transport and logistics operators—can facilitate infrastructure development at logistics hubs and along highway corridors?
  • Positioning on long-distance transport: What stance should be taken regarding strategic land acquisition, particularly along highways (e.g., land-grabbing strategies to secure prime locations that will capture demand from long-distance transport)? What level of traffic risk exposure should be accepted? What is the right timing?
  • Commercial synergies: How can manufacturers and charging infrastructure developers collaborate effectively to create commercial synergies and accelerate the deployment of electrified solutions?

Recent developments initiated by various types of player in this market (large utilities, pure-player CPOs, fuel distributors, vehicle manufacturers, charging station producers, logistics companies, landowners, and highway concessionaires) highlight differentiated strategies in addressing these challenges. These approaches are often shaped by the distinct advantages and assets of each player category. In 2025, we will continue to closely monitor these market trends and provide our expertise to stakeholders across the value chain, helping them tackle these strategic challenges effectively.

E-CUBE has developed strong expertise in New Mobilities through its recent projects and the experience of its consultants. We would be delighted to discuss these market perspectives and opportunities with you. Feel free to contact our experts below to arrange a discussion on the topic.

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